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Exta Training

You can use this card in one of two ways:

  1. You may use this card at any time in exactly the same way as a Team re-roll counter.
  2. You may play this card at the start of the match, before either team has set up.  It allows you to buy an extra Team re-roll counter which you may keep permanently, so long as you have the money in your treasury to pay for it.  If you buy the extra Team re-roll, then update your team roster accordingly.

Eye of the Eagle

Whilst down a dark alley, you and your whole team have managed to persuade a wizard to hand over a magic scroll.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team when he passes the ball.  The  spell means that the player automatically passes the ball successfully, there is no need to roll the dice.

Grasping Tentacles of Altanson

A brave fan has journeyed on an Epic Quest to bring you this magic scroll, which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team when an opponent tries to dodge out of his tackle zone.  The opposing player automatically fails his dodge roll and falls over.

Hawkfing's Curse

You have luckily managed to obtain a magic scroll which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player on the opposing team when they attempt to move an extra square.  The player automatically fails the dice roll and falls over.

Healing Scroll

You have managed to lay your hands on a magic scroll which you can use during the batch.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team who has just suffered an injury of any kind, including being killed!  The player is restored to health and should be left, face-up, on the field.

Kelhoffer's Magic Foot

While rooting through the darkest corners of your team's locker room, you find a magic scroll which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell whenever you are about to place the football in the opponent's half after a kick-off.  It conjures a ghostly magic foot to kick off the ball, allowing you to place the ball in any square that you like - you do not have to roll for scatter.

Knutt's Spell of Awesome Strength

You have managed to lay your hands on a magic scroll which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team.  The player's muscles swell to heroic proportions.  With a mighty shout he beats his chest and flexes his biceps.  Roll a dice and add the score to the player's Strength for the rest of the turn.

Labbatt's Flying Fist

Thanks to the untimely death of an avid (if kleptomaniac) fan, you have inherited a magic scroll.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on an opposing player at any time during the match.  A magic fist flies through the air and strikes the target.  The resulting blow is worked out as if the victim had been the subject of a block by a player with a Strength of 10 who has the block and Mighty Blow skills.

Lurve Potion

You may play this card at any time against any player on the opposing team who is within 4 squares of the sidelines.  You have slipped the player a love potion and he has just spotted the woman, creature, or thing of his dreams in the stands!  The player dashes off the field to try to reach his loved one, and is promptly beaten up by the crowd!  Remove the player from the field and roll for injury just as if they had been pushed out of bounds.  If the player was holding the ball, they will drop it in the square where they were standing, and it will bounce one square as normal.

Magic Hand of Jark Longarm

Your team is featured on the cover of Spike! Magazine and in payment they give you a magic scroll.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team when he tries to make an interception.  The player automatically intercepts the ball, there is no need to roll the dice.

Magic Helmet

You may play this card at the start of the match before the kick-off takes place.  Nominate a player in your team.  He has managed to acquire a special magical Blood Bowl helmet made of an extremely strong but very light material.  The player's Armor Value is increased by +1 permanently, up to a maximum of 10.  Update the team roster to show the player's new Armor Value.

Magic Pills

You may play this card just after a kick-off has been taken.  All your players who are on the field have been given a magic pill provided by a traveling apothecary.  The pills increase all of your player' movement allowances by +1 point until after the next touchdown is scored.

Magic Potion

You can give the potion to any player in your team just before any kick-off.  The effects of the potion will last until the next touchdown is scored.  Roll a dice:

1 The potion has no effect, obviously it was a dud!
2-3 The player gains +1AG
4-5 The player gains +1ST
6 The player can take two actions per turn


Magic Sponge

You may play this card at any kick-off, before either team has set up.  It restores any KO'd or Badly Hurt players in your team to full health and they may take part in the game as normal.  Seriously injured or dead players can not be cured by the Magic Sponge.

Mind Blow

You have managed to lay your hands on a magic scroll which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell at an opposing player at any time.  The spell blasts the already minimal intelligence of the target with the formidable mind-power of the scroll's writer.  The unfortunate target is stopped in his tracks and may not move or take any further action this turn.  If he is blocked before he recovers at the end of the turn then his Strength is halved.

Rakarth's Bounding Leap

You have been given a magic scroll which you can use during the match to cast a spell.  You can use this scroll on a player in your team at any point during their move.  It allows the player to jump 3 squares through the air in addition to his normal move.  The player can ignore any tackle zones when he jumps, and can even move through squares occupied by other players (though he can't end the jump in an occupied square).

Rakarth's Obliteration Spell

You have managed to lay your hands on a useful magic scroll.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell on a player in your team instead of rolling the dice when you make a block.  The player automatically gets a 'POW' (defender knocked over) result.

Rakarth's Spell of Petty Spite

You unexpectedly discover a magic scroll under a pile of used jock-straps.  You can use this scroll at the start of the match to cast a spell on any opposing player.  Roll a dice for the player before each kick-off.  On a roll of 4-6 he misses the kick-off and must be left in the Reserves box (actually he's running to the bathroom, but we won't go into that…).  On a roll of 1-3 he can take part in the drive as normal.

Scutt's Deluge of Despair

You have managed to lay your hands on a magic scroll.  You can use this scroll to cast a spell at any time during the opposition's turn.  A miniature thunderstorm gathers and a sudden downpour soaks the playing field.  The opposing team's players have their movement halved (founding fractions down) for the rest of their turn.  The water magically evaporates at the end of their turn.

Speed of Light

You have won first prize in the Spike! Magazine "Spot The Chainsaw" competition, and the prize is a magic scroll which you can use during the match.  You can use this scroll on a player in your team just before they move.  Roll a dice and add the score to the player's movement for the turn.

The Secret Way

You have managed to lay your hands on a magic scroll which you can use during the match to cast a spell.  Nominate one player in your team and roll a dice.  The player disappears from his current square and reappears in any vacant square up to the distance of the dice roll away.  If there is nowhere for the player to reappear, then he is lost in the warp and is never seen again!  Teleporting is a free action and the player may block, blitz, move or pass from his new square as if it were his starting position.

Time Warp

Through shady dealing you gave obtained a magic scroll which you can use during the match to cast a spell on any player in your team.  The player's metabolism speeds up and he moves at a greatly accelerated rate for the turn.  This allows him to take two actions instead of the normal one.  Both actions must be taken together, one after the other.

Unseen Shield

You have cunningly obtained a magic scroll which you can use during the match to cast a spell when an opposing player passes the ball.  The spell creates an invisible barrier in a square anywhere you like along the ball's flight path.  The ball hits the barrier and is knocked out of the air, landing in the nominated square.  If there is a player in the square they may try to catch the ball, otherwise the ball will bounce when it hits the ground as normal 


Last updated 04/12/2001 . E-mail the Commissioner. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Blood Bowl is a trademark of Games Workshop Limited, and is used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.